
Henry Heng’s Genome Chaos

By Perry Marshall

May 14, 2022 | 0 Comment

When you’re trying to solve a thorny, knotty, intractable, “IMPOSSIBLE” problem, the #1 thing to watch for is:

Outsiders from radically different backgrounds, who not only all agree that the mainstream is hopelessly jacked up, but who ALSO came to identical conclusions – WITHOUT having ever talked to each other in advance.

In Evolution 2.0 I witnessed this 3 times.

1. Shortly after my book came out, John Hands released Cosmosapiens. John and I had never spoken or met, but reached nearly identical conclusions.

2. Radiologist Bill Miller, independently of me and John Hands, had similar realizations. A virology paper we have written together is now in peer review.

3. And Henry Heng came to nearly identical “Evolution 2.0” conclusions in his cancer work, mostly using cancer as his learning tool.

A couple of years ago James Shapiro and Frank Laukien introduced me to Henry. Together we founded the Cancer & Evolution working group. Henry is 15-30 years ahead of the mainstream cancer field. Henry in turn introduced me to Rafe Furst, a serial entrepreneur.

This is the story of Henry’s work:

Rafe wrote this summary of Henry’s model, explaining how cancer cells use “Genome Chaos” to skillfully evade radiation and chemotherapy:

Watch my conversation with Rafe and Henry on the Evolution 2.0 Podcast:

Download The First 3 Chapters of Evolution 2.0 For Free, Here –

Where Did Life And The Genetic Code Come From? Can The Answer Build Superior AI? The #1 Mystery In Science Now Has A $10 Million Prize. Learn More About It, Here –


Perry Marshall

NASA Jet Propulsion Labs uses his 80/20 Curve as a productivity tool. His reinvention of the Pareto Principle is published in Harvard Business Review. His Ultimate Guide to Google Ads is the best-selling book on internet advertising. A business strategist and electrical engineer, Perry founded the largest science research award in history. The $10 million Evolution 2.0 Prize will be judged by scientists from Harvard, Oxford, and MIT. Seeing that existing financial incentives favor prolonging cancer rather than curing it; and realizing the medical profession has incorrectly defined the disease in the first place... he chose to apply entrepreneurial thinking to the problem.


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