Two World Class Cancer Researchers:
Kimberly Bussey & Azra Raza
By Perry Marshall
July 1, 2021 | 0 Comment

Today July 1 2021 at 11am Eastern, 10 Central, 8 Pacific, 5pm London, Evolution 2.0 is hosting the monthly Cancer & Evolution zoom call. Our speakers are Kimberly Bussey and Azra Raza.
Azra will be showing how to detect cancer at Stage NEGATIVE One. The work she is presenting today is GROUNDBREAKING. Azra (upper right) is a force of nature and listening to her speak is an experience.
Kimberly (lower right) will show how cancer’s triggering systems look to be 600 million years old, found in ancient bacteria – so she’s explaining methods of identifying those behaviors EARLY not late.
This is PhD level discussion. SOME will be over most lay peoples’ heads – but not all. That’s because the scientists joining these calls are from many different fields, therefore speakers have to minimize “inside my specialty” jargon.

Azra’s is particularly lay-friendly. 30 minute presentations X2 plus 30 minutes of Q&A.
11am Eastern, 10 Central, 8 Pacific, 5pm London
The zoom link is here:
Meeting ID: 889 4054 8238
One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,88940548238# US (Chicago)
Previous sessions have been hosted by Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins and USC, so I’m especially proud that EV2 is the organizer of this month’s meeting.
* This is a monthly program organized by American Association of Cancer Research. If you’d like to get on our monthly announcement list, join here:
Hope to see you on Zoom today!